Define Shape:

Base shape: Shape Material:

Define Scene:

Rotate Shape (x, y, z): Background:

Define Cuts:

Cut Thickness:


Cut #0: at depth with apex at

Rotate Cuts (x, y, z): Translate Cuts (x, y, z):


Cut #1: at depth with apex at

Rotate Cuts (x, y, z): Translate Cuts (x, y, z):


Cut #2: at depth with apex at

Rotate Cuts (x, y, z): Translate Cuts (x, y, z):


Cut #3: at depth with apex at

Rotate Cuts (x, y, z): Translate Cuts (x, y, z):


Cut #4: at depth with apex at

Rotate Cuts (x, y, z): Translate Cuts (x, y, z):

Email address to receive results (required):


Rubik's Cube



Helicopter Cube

Curvy Copter

Master Curvy Copter

Dreidel Skewb

Dreidel Pentultimate

Carl Hoff's Real5x5x5

Master Chopasaurus Triacontahedron

Gelatinbrain's 3.1.33

Bump Cube

Fisher Cube

Axis Cube

David Pitcher's Insanity Cubed

David Pitcher's Ultimate Insanity

Greg's Pentex


The cuts are generated by a cone which allows for a range of curvy or planar cuts. The default (Jaap's) depth ranges from 0 (deep cut) to 300 (shallowest cut). The default cone apex is the center of of the puzzle (0) which creates curvy cuts whenever the depth isn't also set to 0. You get a planar cut whenever the depth and the apex are set to the same amount. The apex units are always Jaap's depth so if you use degrees for the cut it will be hard to achieve perfectly planar cuts without doing some math to figure out what depth the degrees work out to.

To prevent interference with the solid when the apex is outside of the puzzle (outside of the range [-300, 300]) clipping is used.


Twisty Renderer is based on Jaap Scherphuis's Sphere Symmetry Applet. The POV-Ray code to do the rendering was originally written by Stef-n. Much of the analysis of which polyhedra to include was done by Matt Galla. Many of the polyhedra would not have been possible to impliment without David McCooey's Visual Polyhedra site. The web interface is by Brandon Enright.

All bugs, inqueries, and complaints should be directed to Brandon at <twisty_renderer atsymbol>

Session id: 0bc2549384db455cb8b35e9cd48b9943